We are pleased to welcome the National Constitution Center to our Civic Advisory Board. These important partners provide guidance to assure that The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia project creates civic benefits and meets community needs. To learn more about the National Constitution Center, visit the web site http://www.constitutioncenter.org .
Blog, page 14
West Philadelphia Weighs In
Visitors to the Walnut Street West branch of the Free Library began adding their suggestions for the Encyclopedia at our information table on February 16. A suggestion box will remain at the library for two weeks (until around March 2), so continue to add your ideas! Nominations of topics also are welcome on this web site, where we have already posted some submissions from Walnut Street West.
Holmesburg Helps Us Make History
Thanks to our new friends in Holmesburg for hosting our first branch library information table. We collected many new ideas for the Encyclopedia as people in this active library came in to do homework, browse for new books and DVDs, and catch up with their neighbors. The suggestions we received are posted on our “Nominate a Topic” page, and the suggestion box will remain at the library for the rest of February. For more information sessions at branch libraries this month, check out our events list.
Support from the Pennsylvania Humanities Council
A newly-awarded grant from the Pennsylvania Humanities Council will allow us to launch the Greater Philadelphia Roundtable, a series of public forums for dialogue that will help shape the contents of the Encyclopedia. The first sessions of the roundtable, beginning in March, will respond to suggestions received on this web site and at our Civic Partnership and Planning Workshop last year. See our Events calendar for details of the first three roundtables, and watch for an additional session that is being planned on African American history. Each session will feature new research, lively discussion, and the opportunity to contribute ideas for Encyclopedia topics.
Check Us Out at the Library
During February, we will visit four branches of the Free Library of Philadelphia to spread the word about the Encyclopedia project and gather public input. Look for us at the Holmesburg branch on Tuesday, February 2, 4-6 p.m.; the Lovett branch on Thursday, February 11, 3-5 p.m.; Walnut Street West on Tuesday, February 16, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.; and the Tacony branch on Saturday, February 27, 1-3 p.m. A suggestion box will be placed in each branch after the information session to gather additional suggestions for Encyclopedia topics.
Our New Look
We are pleased to present new content and a new look for The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia web site. Thanks to Brian Jacobs at Avencia Inc., our site is more attractive, easier to navigate, and offers more ways to become involved with the project. The site also demonstrates our commitment to highlight the resources of the region by presenting and linking organizations, historic sites, and collections. Our banner images come from the collections of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; the color thumbnail photographs appear by courtesy of ushistory.org; and our home page features historical photographs from the Philadelphia City Archives.
Along with the new look, we introduce the first essays produced for the Encyclopedia. Each includes links to historic sites and collections, and each offers the opportunity to add stories and offer suggestions or corrections. Watch for new topics as we begin to build The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia!
Nominate A Topic
What would you like to know about Philadelphia and its history? Nominate a topic and tell us why you’d like to see it in The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia. To submit your ideas to the editors, simply scroll to the bottom of this page.
Bibliographic Survey Expanded
Our survey of recently published works about Philadelphia now covers books, articles, and dissertations since 1982. To find the most up-to-date research on numerous topics, link to the survey on our Bibliographic Survey page.
Add Your Voice to the Conversation
What forms should the Encyclopedia take? What information is needed, and how might this benefit the city and region? We began this conversation at the Civic Partnership and Planning Workshop in April. Summaries of all workshop sessions are now posted on this site, with opportunities to comment. See “Join the Discussion” on the menu bar above or go directly to the workshop program page for links to the summaries. Your input will help shape the direction of this project.
Join the Encyclopedia List-Serv
We are pleased to announce the creation of a list-serv to build and sustain the growing community of interest in The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia. Anyone who would like to receive periodic updates about the project is invited to join the list. To join, send an e-mail to Howard Gillette at hfg@camden.rutgers.edu or add a comment expressing your interest to this post.