Blog, page 12

Welcome to Friends of Laurel Hill Cemetery

We are pleased to add the Friends of Laurel Hill Cemetery to our growing Civic Advisory Board, which helps to assure that the Encyclopedia project serves community needs.   Gwen Kaminski, Director of Development and Programs for the Friends of Laurel Hill, has helped us plan our “Green Country Town” roundtable, coming up in May at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.  The President and CEO of Laurel Hill and West Laurel Hill Cemeteries, Pete Hoskins, will be a panelist for the program.  Welcome to these supportive friends of the Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia project!

Report from the PHA

The Encyclopedia editors had the opportunity to lead a roundtable discussion about the project at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association conference, held October 14-16, 2010, at Susquehanna University.  We were pleased to see scholars from so many universities taking interest in the project and contributing their ideas and thoughtful questions.  Thanks to the historians from Penn State, Temple University, Villanova University, Philadelphia University, Millersville University, Lehigh University, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and elsewhere for your participation.   (That was quite a lineup of past presidents of the PHA in the back row!)  Specific topics recommendations received have been added to our nominations list on the home page of this site, and we look forward to receiving more.

Art Museum Joins Civic Advisory Board

We are pleased to welcome the Philadelphia Museum of Art to the Encyclopedia’s Civic Advisory Board.  Staff members from the Museum’s Center for American Art participated in the Civic Partnership and Planning Workshop that launched the project, and we look forward to working with them next year on a public program to explore Philadelphia’s reputation as “Athens of America.” 

Bibliographic Survey Expanded

Looking for the latest word on Philadelphia?  We are pleased to offer a newly expanded bibliographic survey of scholarship, public history work, and public policy studies about Philadelphia published since 1982.  The survey is approximately one-third larger than the previous survey, with a significant expansion in entries related to public policy as well as updated coverage of scholarship published during 2009 and early 2010.  Our thanks to bibliographer Hillary S. Kativa for her work on the survey and to the University of Pennsylvania Press for making this project possible.

Our Home Base

The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia is a project of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities, in cooperation with our numerous civic partners, associate editors, and advisers.  The new mailing address for the project is: The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities,  Department of History, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ  08102.

One Year Later

It’s been a busy year since we launched the Encyclopedia project with a Civic Partnership and Planning Workshop in April 2009.  To summarize our progress and challenges, we have prepared a brief annual report.  Thanks to all of our partners and the new friends we are making at branch libraries and through the Greater Philadelphia Roundtable.  Please continue to add to these discussions on our Events page and join us for our additional programs this spring.

Connecting the Past with the Present, Building Community, Creating a Legacy