Editors, Advisers, and Staff

Consulting Editor, Former Editor-in-Chief, Charlene Mires, Rutgers University-Camden, cmires@camden.rutgers.edu

Charlene Mires is Director of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities and Professor of History at Rutgers-Camden, where she teaches courses in public, urban, and U.S. history. She is the author of Independence Hall in American Memory (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002), which received the Philadelphia Athenaeum Literary Award; Capital of the World: The Race to Host the United Nations (NYU Press, 2013); as well as articles in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Pennsylvania History, The Public Historian, and other journals. Her public history work includes projects with Independence and Valley Forge National Historical Parks, Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site, and the Atwater Kent Museum of Philadelphia, and she served on the Oversight Committee for the President’s House Commemoration. Previously, she worked as an editor for the Philadelphia Inquirer in Center City, Chester County, and Gloucester County, New Jersey. As a journalist, she was a co-winner of the Pulitzer Prize for general local reporting awarded to the staff of the Fort Wayne (Ind.) News-Sentinel in 1983 for coverage of the floods that ravaged that city in 1982.

Contributing Editor, Former Co-Editor, Howard Gillette, Rutgers University-Camden, hfg@camden.rutgers.edu

Howard Gillette, Jr. is Professor Emeritus of History at Rutgers University in Camden. He is the author of Camden After the Fall: Decline and Renewal in a Post-industrial City (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005), the winner of best book awards from the Urban History Association and the New Jersey Historical Commission. He is a frequent contributor to news as well as scholarly publications and editor of three books including, with William W. Cutler III, The Divided Metropolis: Social and Spatial Dimensions of Philadelphia, 1800-1975 (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980). He is a member of the editorial board of New Jersey History and recently completed a term on the editorial board of the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. He has consulted for a number of area cultural institutions, including the Atwater Kent Museum, Elfreth’s Alley, the Historical Society of Washington, D.C., and the New Jersey Historical Society.

Contributing Editor, Former Co-Editor, Randall Miller, St. Joseph’s University, miller@sju.edu

Randall M. Miller is the William Dirk Warren `50 Sesquicentennial Chair & Professor of History at Saint Joseph’s University. He is the author or editor of more than twenty books on subjects as varied as urban affairs, religion, politics, slavery and race, the American South, the Civil War and Reconstruction, mass media, diaries, and immigrants and ethnicity. He co-edited Pennsylvania: A History of the Commonwealth (Penn State Press, 2002), and he is the former editor of the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. He has been a consultant for numerous exhibits, public programs, and institutional development projects for historical and cultural organizations, has appeared in documentaries that have aired nationally and regionally, and has been a frequent commentator on politics, public policy, and American culture for national and area radio, television, and newspaper outlets.

Former Co-Editor, Tamara Gaskell, Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities (MARCH) at Rutgers-Camden.

Tamara Gaskell served as co-editor while Public Historian in Residence at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities (MARCH) at Rutgers–Camden and co-editor of The Public Historian, the journal of the National Council on Public History (NCPH). Before joining MARCH she was Historian and Director of Publications and Scholarly Programs at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, where she was editor of the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography and of Pennsylvania Legacies and administrator of the society’s fellowship program. While at the Historical Society she also initiated the transition of the society’s publications to the digital era and began the society’s interpretive digital history program, overseeing such projects as Preserving American Freedom, which tells the complex story of American freedom through fifty key documents; Family Ties on the Underground Railroad, based upon the records of William Still; and Politics in Graphic Detail, which placed more than one hundred political cartoons online accompanied by educational materials and other contextualizing content. She is the founder of the Pennsylvania history listserv H-Pennsylvania and a former council member of the Pennsylvania Historical Association.

Former Consulting Editor, Gary Nash, UCLA, gnash@ucla.edu

Born in Philadelphia and a graduate of Lower Merion High School and Princeton University (B.A., 1955; Ph.D, 1964), Gary B. Nash abandoned the East Coast in 1966 for California, where he taught in UCLA’s Department of History. He  published many books and articles on Philadelphia and Pennsylvania history, including Forging Freedom: The Formation of Philadelphia’s Black Community, 1720-1840 (Harvard University Press, 1988), First City:  Philadelphia and the Forging of Historical Memory (UPenn Press, 2002), and The Liberty Bell: An American Icon (Yale University Press, 2010).  He was an elected member of the American Philosophical Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Society of American Historians, and the American Antiquarian Society.  He served as president of the Organization of American Historians in 1994-1995 and directed the National Center for History in the Schools at UCLA.

Former Consulting Editor, Emma Lapsansky-Werner, Haverford College, elapsans@haverford.edu

Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner is Professor Emeritus of History and Curator of the Quaker Collection at Haverford College, near Philadelphia. She received her B.A. in History from the University of Pennsylvania, and her doctorate in American Civilization from the same institution. Her research interests include Quaker history, African American history and especially the intersection between the two, as well as Pennsylvania history, the American West, and material culture. Her recent publications include Quaker Aesthetics (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003, with Anne Verplanck); Back to Africa: Benjamin Coates and the American Colonization Movement (Penn State University Press, 2005, with Margaret Hope Bacon. Pb 2007), and contributed essays to Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World (Yale University Press, 2006) and Pennsylvania: A History of the Commonwealth (Penn State University Press, 2003). With Gary Nash and Clayborne Carson, Lapsansky-Werner has also authored a college text on African American history. She regularly consults to museums and to pre-collegiate curriculum developers on enlivening public history and classroom history presentations. She is currently at work on three projects: a history of a Bryn Mawr Quaker family, a study of a mid-twentieth-century Philadelphia intentional community, and – with Dee Andrews of California State, East Bay – a re-evaluation of eighteenth-century British abolitionist Thomas Clarkson.

Associate Editors (cumulative list)
Carolyn Adams, Temple University
William W. Cutler III, Temple University
Andrew Heath, University of Sheffield
Tyler Hoffman, Rutgers University-Camden
Hillary Kativa, University of Delaware
Cyril Reade, Rutgers University-Camden
Nancy Rosoff, Arcadia University
Jean Soderlund, Lehigh University
Philip Scranton, Rutgers University-Camden
Domenic Vitiello, University of Pennsylvania
Stephanie Grauman Wolf, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania

Editorial, Technical, and Educational Advisers (cumulative list)
Eugenie Birch, University of Pennsylvania
Vibiana Bowman Cvetkovic, Rutgers-Camden
Richard Dilworth, Drexel University
Travis DuBose, Rutgers-Camden
Charles Hardy, West Chester University
Amy Hillier, University of Pennsylvania
Ken Hohing, Rutgers-Camden
Guian McKee, Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia
Alexis Moore, American Friends Service Committee
Elizabeth Nash, The Reinvestment Fund
Richard Newman, Rochester Institute of Technology
Daniel Richter, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania
Mary Rizzo, Rutgers-Newark
Lori Shorr, City of Philadelphia
George Thomas, University of Pennsylvania
Zara Wilkinson, Rutgers-Camden
Kathryn Wilson, Georgia State University
Rebecca Yamin, Independent Scholar

Staff (cumulative list, 2010 to present)

Managing Editor / Copy Editor
Donald D. Groff
Isabel Steven (current)

Production Editors
Lucy Davis
Luther Hoheisel

Editorial Assistants
Tia Antonelli
Joshua DiPrima
Lucy Davis
Luther Hoheisel
Hannah Lee (current)
Mikaela Maria

Copy Editors
Lauren Cooper
Lucy Davis

Digital Media Assistants and Coordinators
McKenna Britton
Sharece Blakney
Audrey Johnson
Scott Hearn
Jennifer Levy
Amy Osterhout

Sharon Smith, Rutgers-Camden Department of History

Associate Historians
Dylan Gottlieb
Patrick Grubbs
Jessica Linker
Jack McCarthy
Stephen Nepa

Research and Digital Publishing Assistants
Kelly Banks
William Bartleson
Sharece Blakney
Brandon Borrelli
McKenna Britton
Melissa Bryson
Melissa Callahan
Vincent Cammarota
Kimberly Coulter
Lucy Davis
Joshua DiPrima
Elizabeth Eimer (current)
Olivia Errico
Sabrina Gonzalez-Morabito
Scott Hearn
Luther Hoheisel
William Krakower
Sebastian LaVergne
Hannah Lee
Joshua Lisowski
Mandi Magnuson-Hung
Mikaela Maria
Daniel Marren
Maggie Montalto
Arthur Murphy
Andin Ncho
Darragh Nolan
Alaina Noland
Nicole Skalenko
Victoria Scannella
Benjamin Thompson
Gina Torres
Quincy Wansel
Kevin Wakefield
Mariam Williams
Emily Winters
Victoria Wroblewski

Tia Antonelli
Kelly Banks
Sharece Blakney
McKenna Britton
Vincent Cammarota
Amanda Cross
Lucy Davis
Joshua DiPrima
Elizabeth Eimer
Olivia Errico
Luther Hoheisel
Fatima Ijaz
Audrey Johnson
William Krakower
Sebastian LaVergne
Hannah Lee
Thomas MacPherson
Maggie Montalto
Arthur Murphy
Andin Ncho
Alaina Noland
Miriam Parrotto
Nicole Skalenko
Victoria Scannella
Benjamin Thompson
Gina Torres
Quincy Wansel
Kevin Wakefield
Emily Winters
Victoria Wroblewski

Walking Encyclopedia Project Managers
Mikaela Maria (2016-18)
Jacob Downs (2013-14)

Zotero Project Assistant
Lucy Davis

Education Outreach Coordinator
Melissa Callahan (2016-17)

Object VR Photography
Sara Hawken

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