Alphabetical Index
- Abolitionism
- Abscam
- Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
- Admiral Wilson Boulevard
- Aeronautics and Aerospace Industry
- African American Migration
- African American Museum in Philadelphia
- AIDS and AIDS Activism
- Airports
- Alien and Sedition Acts
- Almanacs
- Almshouses (Poorhouses)
- American Bandstand
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Philosophical Society
- American Revolution Era
- Anatomy and Anatomy Education
- Anglican Church (Church of England)
- Animal Protection
- Appeal of Forty Thousand Citizens
- Arboretums
- Armories
- Armstrong Association of Philadelphia
- Arsenals
- Art Colonies
- Art Deco
- Art of Cecilia Beaux
- Art of Dox Thrash
- Art of Thomas Eakins
- Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
- Articles of Confederation
- Artisans
- Arts and Crafts Movement
- Arts of Wharton Esherick
- Astronomy
- Athenæum of Philadelphia
- Atlantic City, New Jersey
- Atwater Kent Radio
- Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (The)
- Automats
- Automobile Racing
- Automobile Suburbs
- Automobiles
- Automotive Manufacturing
- Avenue of the Arts
- Bakeries and Bakers
- Bank of North America
- Bank of the United States (First)
- Bank War
- Banking
- Barbershops and Barbers
- Barnes Foundation
- Bartram’s Garden
- Baseball (Professional)
- Baseball: Negro Leagues
- Basketball (Professional)
- Before Colonization
- Benjamin Franklin Parkway
- Better Philadelphia Exhibition (1947)
- Bicentennial (1976)
- Bicentennial Beer Can
- Bicycles
- Big 5
- Billiards (Pool)
- Birch’s Views of Philadelphia
- Black Lives Matter
- Black Power
- Bloody Fifth Ward
- Blow Out
- Blue Route
- Blues Music
- Board of Health (Philadelphia)
- Boarding and Lodging Houses
- Boathouse Row
- Book Publishing and Publishers
- Bookselling
- Bootlegging
- Botany
- Boxing and Boxers
- Brandywine Valley
- Brickmaking and Brickmakers
- Bridges
- Bridgeton, New Jersey
- British Occupation of Philadelphia
- Broad Street
- Broad Street Bullies
- Brownfields Redevelopment
- Bucks County, Pennsylvania
- Burlesque
- Burlington County, New Jersey
- Buses
- Byberry (Philadelphia State Hospital)
- Caltrops
- Camden County, New Jersey
- Camden, New Jersey
- Campbell Soup Company
- Canals
- Candy and Candymakers
- Capital of the United States (Selection of Philadelphia)
- Capital of the United States Era
- Carnegie Libraries
- Carpet Weaving and Rug Making
- Cartoons and Cartoonists
- Casinos
- Cast Iron Architecture
- Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
- Cemeteries
- Centennial Exhibition (1876)
- Center City Philadelphia
- Centre Square Pump House Model
- Ceramics
- Charter Schools
- Cheesesteak
- Cheesesteaks
- Chemical Industry
- Chemistry
- Chester County, Pennsylvania
- Chester County, Pennsylvania
- Chester, Pennsylvania
- Child Labor
- Children’s Aid Society of Pennsylvania
- Children’s Television
- Children’s Theater
- China Trade
- Chinatown
- Chinatown Friendship Gate
- Cholera
- Christiana Riot Trial
- City Beautiful Movement
- City Councils (Philadelphia)
- City Hall (Philadelphia)
- City Merchant (The); or, The Mysterious Failure
- Civil Defense
- Civil Rights (African American)
- Civil Rights (LGBT)
- Civil Rights (Persons With Disabilities)
- Civil Rights (Women)
- Civil War
- Civil War Museum of Philadelphia
- Civil War Sanitary Fairs
- Classical Music
- Clocks and Clockmakers
- Clothespin
- Co-Working Spaces
- Coal
- Coffeehouses
- Cold War
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia
- Colonial Era
- Colonial Revival
- Colonization Movement (Africa)
- Columbia Avenue Riot
- Columbus Day
- Commercial Museum
- Common Sense
- Community Colleges
- Community Development
- Community Development Corporations (CDCs)
- Commuter Trains
- Compass
- Consolidation Act of 1854
- Constitution Commemorations
- Constitutional Convention of 1787
- Continental Congresses
- Contractor Bosses (1880s to 1930s)
- Convention Centers
- Convents
- Cordwainers Trial of 1806
- Coronaviruses
- Country Clubs
- Courthouses (County)
- Cricket
- Crime
- Crosstown Expressway
- Crowds (Colonial and Revolution Eras)
- Cumberland County, New Jersey
- Cycling (Sport)
- Dancing Assembly
- Deafness and the Deaf
- Declaration of Independence
- Deindustrialization
- Delaware Avenue (Columbus Boulevard)
- Delaware Bay
- Delaware County, Pennsylvania
- Delaware River
- Delaware River Basin Commission
- Delaware River Port Authority
- Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
- Democratic-Republican Societies
- Dentistry and Dentists
- Department Stores
- Design of Cities
- Dewey’s Lunch Counter Sit-In
- Diners
- Dinosaurs and Paleontology (Study of Fossils and Prehistoric Life)
- Dispensaries
- Dogfighting
- Dogs
- Doo Wop
- Door Knob
- Down There
- Doylestown, Pennsylvania
- Draft Drum
- Dream Garden
- Duffy’s Cut
- Dutch (The) and The Netherlands
- Fabric Row
- Face Shield
- Fair Housing
- Fairmount Park
- Fairmount Park Commission
- Fairmount Park Houses
- Fairmount Water Works
- Fashion
- Ferries
- Fever 1793 (Novel)
- Films (Feature)
- Fire Escapes
- First Purchasers of Pennsylvania
- Flaxseed and Linen
- Flour Milling
- Food Processing
- Football (Professional)
- Fort Wilson
- Forts and Fortifications
- Fox Hunting
- France and the French
- Franklin Institute
- Free African Society
- Free Black Communities
- Free Labor Pinafore
- Free Society of Traders
- Freedom Train
- Freemasonry
- French Revolution
- Friends Neighborhood Guild
- Fries Rebellion
- Fugitives From Slavery
- Funerals and Burial Practices
- Furnituremaking
- Gallery at Market East
- Garbage Barge (Khian Sea)
- Gardens (Public)
- Garies (The) and Their Friends
- Garment Work and Workers
- Gas Stations
- Gayborhood
- Genealogy
- General Strike of 1910
- General Trades Union Strike (1835)
- Gentrification
- George Washington’s Epaulet
- German Reformed Church
- Girard College
- Girard’s Bequest
- Glassmakers and Glass Manufacturing
- Gloucester County, New Jersey
- Godey’s Lady’s Book
- Gospel Music (African American)
- Gothic Literature
- Grand Federal Procession
- Grand Juries
- Gray Panthers
- Great Depression
- Great Wagon Road
- Greater Philadelphia Movement
- Greater Philadelphia Region
- Greek War for Independence
- Greeks and Greece (Modern)
- Grocery Stores and Supermarkets
- Gross Clinic (The)
- Gunpowder Industry
- Hail, Columbia
- Haitian Revolution
- Hat Making and Millinery
- Heating (Home)
- Helicopters
- Herpetology (Study of Amphibians and Reptiles)
- High School Sports
- Higher Education: Private (Religious)
- Hinterlands
- Historic Districts
Historic Germantown: New Knowledge
in a Very Old Neighborhood - Historic Preservation
- Historical Societies
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania
- Hoagies
- Hog Island
- Home Remedies
- Horizontal Steam Engine Model
- Horses
- Horticulture
- Hospitals (Economic Development)
- Hotels and Motels
- House of Refuge
- Hurricanes and Tropical Storms
- I-95
- I’d Rather Be in Philadelphia
- Ice Hockey (Professional)
- Immigration (1790-1860)
- Immigration (1870-1930)
- Immigration (1930-Present)
- Immigration and Migration (Colonial Era)
- Imported Teacup
- Indentured Servitude
- Independence Hall
- Independence National Historical Park
- Independence Seaport Museum
- Indian Rights Associations
- Industrial Neighborhoods
- Industrial Workers of the World
- Infectious Diseases and Epidemics
- Influenza (“Spanish Flu” Pandemic, 1918-19)
- Inner Suburbs
- Insurance
- International Peace Mission Movement and Father Divine
- Irish (The) and Ireland
- Iron Production
- Islam
- It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- Italian Market
- Italians and Italy
- IWW Membership Button
- Labor Day
- Ladies Association of Philadelphia
- Lafayette’s Tour
- Lancaster Avenue
- Landfills
- Laurel Hill Cemetery
- Law and Lawyers
- Lawnside, New Jersey
- Lazaretto
- Legionnaires’ Disease
- Lehigh Valley
- Lenape People (Continuing Presence)
- Levittowns (Pennsylvania and New Jersey)
- Lewis and Clark Expedition
- Liberia; Or, Mr. Peyton’s Experiments
- Liberians and Liberia
- Liberty Bell
- Liberty Bell Classic
- Liberty County
- Library Company of Philadelphia
- Lincoln Drive
- Listen to the Mocking Bird
- Literary Societies
- Locomotive Manufacturing
- Log Cabins
- Lotteries
- LOVE (Sculpture)
- Lower Delaware Colonies (1609-1704)
- Loyalists
- Lutherans and the Lutheran Church
- Lynching
- Machining and Machinists
- Magazines, Literary
- Magdalen Society
- Main Line of Public Works
- Mansions
- Manufacturing Suburbs
- Maps and Mapmaking
- March of the Mill Children
- Market Street
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Mason-Dixon Line
- Mass Shooting (Camden 1949)
- Mayors (Philadelphia)
- Media, Pennsylvania
- Medical Publishing
- Medicine (Colonial Era)
- Medicine Chest
- Memorial Day
- Mennonites
- Menorah
- Mercer Museum
- Meschianza
- Meteorology (Study of the Atmosphere)
- Mexican-American War
- Mexicans and Mexico
- Mighty Macs
- Military Bases
- Militia
- Missionaries
- Model Cities
- Model for William Penn Statue
- Modern Chivalry: Containing the Adventures of Captain John Farrago, and Teague O’Regan, his Servant
- Monopoly
- Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
- Monument to Six Million Jewish Martyrs
- Moran Family of Artists
- Moravians
- Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
- Mother Bethel AME Church: Congregation and Community
- Mother’s Day
- Mount Airy (West)
- Mount Holly Township, New Jersey
- Mummers
- Mummies
- Murals
- Murder of Octavius Catto
- Museum of the American Revolution
- Musical Fund Society
- Musical Instrument Making
- Mütter Museum
- My Days Have Been So Wondrous Free
- National Colored Convention Movement
- National Constitution Center
- National Freedom Day
- National Guard
- National Parks
- National Register of Historic Places (Sites)
- Nationalities Service Center
- Native American-Pennsylvania Relations 1681-1753
- Native American-Pennsylvania Relations, 1754-89
- Native and Colonial Go-Betweens
- Native Peoples to 1680
- Nativism
- Nativist Riots of 1844
- New Castle County, Delaware
- New Sweden
- New Year’s Traditions
- Newspapers (Suburban)
- Nigerians and Nigeria
- Nineteenth Century after 1854
- Nineteenth Century to 1854
- Norristown, Pennsylvania
- North Philadelphia
- North Philadelphia
- Northeast Philadelphia
- Northeast Philadelphia
- Northwest Philadelphia
- Northwest Philadelphia
- Nuclear Power
- Nursing
- Pacific World (Connections and Impact)
- Painted Fire Hat
- Painters and Painting
- Paints and Varnishes
- Papal Visits
- Paper and Papermaking
- Peale Family of Painters
- Peale’s Philadelphia Museum
- Penn Center
- Penn’s Landing
- Pennhurst State School and Hospital
- Pennsylvania (Founding)
- Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
- Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges
- Pennsylvania Emancipation Exposition (1913)
- Pennsylvania Hall
- Pennsylvania Impressionism
- Pennsylvania Prison Society
- Percent for Art Programs
- Petty Island
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Philadelphia (Film)
- Philadelphia (Warship)
Philadelphia and Its People in Maps:
The 1790s - Philadelphia Award
- Philadelphia Board of Trade
- Philadelphia Campaign
- Philadelphia Contributionship
- Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
- Philadelphia Cream Cheese
- Philadelphia Fire
- Philadelphia Folk Festival
- Philadelphia Gas Works
- Philadelphia History Museum at the Atwater Kent
- Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC)
- Philadelphia Lawyer
- Philadelphia Maritime Exchange
- Philadelphia Museum of Art
- Philadelphia Navy Yard
- Philadelphia Negro (The)
- Philadelphia Orchestra
- Philadelphia Pepper Pot
- Philadelphia Plan
- Philadelphia Regional Port Authority
- Philadelphia Sketch Club
- Philadelphia Social History Project
- Philadelphia Stock Exchange
- Philadelphia Story (The)
- Philadelphia Ten
- Philadelphia Transportation Company (PTC) Strike
- Philly the Dog
- Phrenology
- Pietism
- Pine Barrens
- Pipelines
- Pirates
- Plantations
- Playgrounds
- Plays and Playwrights
- Plays of Susanna Rowson
- Poconos (The)
- Poetry and Poets
- Point Breeze (Bonaparte Estate)
- Police Athletic League
- Police Department (Philadelphia)
- Polish Settlement and Poland
- Political Conventions
- Political Parties (Origins, 1790s)
- Pollution
- Pontiac’s War and the Paxton Boys
- Popular Music
- Postal Services
- Poverty
- Prehistoric Native Peoples and Archaeology
- Presentation Pitcher
- Presidents of the United States (Presence in Region)
- Pretzel
- Pretzels
- Price of a Child (The)
- Printing and Publishing
- Printmaking
- Prisons and Jails
- Private (Independent) Schools
- Privateering
- Proclamation Line of 1763
- Prohibition
- Public Baths and Bathing
- Public Education: High Schools
- Public Education: Suburbs
- Public Education: The School District of Philadelphia
- Public Health
- Public Housing
- Public Markets
- Public Media
- Public Parks (Philadelphia)
- Public Transportation
- Puerto Rican Migration
- Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
- Radio (Commercial)
- Radio (High School and College)
- Radio DJs
- Railroad Stations
- Railroad Strike of 1877
- Railroad Suburbs
- Railroads
- Reading Terminal Market
- Recording Industry
- Red Arrow Lines
- Red City (The)
- Red Rose Girls
- Redlining
- Refineries (Oil)
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
- Reminder Days
- Republican Convention Barbie
- Restaurants
- Revolutionary Crisis (American Revolution)
- Rhythm and Blues
- Riots (1830s and 1840s)
- Rock and Roll (Early Years)
- Rock Music and Culture (Late 1960s to Present)
- Rocky
- Roman Catholic Church and Catholics
Roman Catholic Education
(Elementary and Secondary) - Roman Catholic Parishes
- Roosevelt Boulevard
- Root Beer
- Row Houses
- Saint Patrick’s Day
- Salem (City), New Jersey
- Salem County, New Jersey
- Salt Making
- Saturday Evening Post
- Savings Societies
- Saws and Saw Making
- School Naming
- Schuylkill Expressway
- Schuylkill Navigation Company
- Schuylkill River
- Scientific Management
- Scientific Societies
- Scots Irish (Scotch Irish)
- Scrapple
- Sesquicentennial International Exposition (1926)
- Settlement Houses
- Seven Years’ War
- Seventh-day Adventists
- Sheppard Lee
- Shipbuilding and Shipyards
- Shirtwaist Strike (1909-10)
- Shoemakers and Shoemaking
- Shopping Centers
- Shrines
- Side Chair
- Silk and Silk Makers
- Silver Linings Playbook
- Silversmiths
- Single Tax Movement
- Skate Parks and Skateboarders
- Slavery and the Slave Trade
- Slinky
- Slovaks and Slovakia
- Smith’s and Windmill Islands
- Smoking and Smoking Regulations
- Soccer
- Social Dancing
- Socialist Party
- Society Hill
- Soul Music
- Sounds of the City: The Colonial Era
- South Asians
- South Philadelphia
- South Philadelphia
- South Street
- South Street (Song)
- Southwest Philadelphia
- Southwest Philadelphia
- Spanish-American Revolutions
- Spanish-American War
- Spiritualists and Spiritualism
- Sports Cards
- Sports Fans
- Sports Mascots
- Sprawl
- Stadiums and Arenas
- Staircase Group (The)
- Street Car Model
- Street Numbering
- Street Sign
- Street Vendors
- Streetcar Suburbs
- Streetcars
- Subway Concourses
- Subways and Elevated Lines
- Success to Infant Navy Pitcher
- Sugar and Sugar Refining
- Sullivan Principles
- Superfund Sites
- Surveying (Colonial)
- Swedish Helmet
- Tastykake
- Taverns
- Telegraphy
- Telephones
- Television
- Television Shows (About Philadelphia)
- Tenderloin
- Textile Manufacturing and Textile Workers
- Thanksgiving
- Thrift
- Tobacco
- Tomato Pie
- Topography
- Tourism
- Toy (Schoenhut Company)
- Toy Manufacturing
- Trade Unions (1820s and 1830s)
- Trails (Indian)
- Trails (Recreational)
- Train Derailments and Collisions
- Treaty Negotiations with Native Americans
- Treaty of Shackamaxon
- Trees
- Trenton and Princeton Campaign (Washington’s Crossing)
- Trenton, New Jersey
- TSOP (The Sound of Philadelphia)
- Tun Tavern
- Turnpikes
- Twentieth Century after 1945
- Twentieth Century to 1945
- Twenty-First Century
- Twin Houses
- Twist (The)
- Typhoid Fever and Filtered Water
- U.S. Congress (1790-1800)
- U.S. Mint (Philadelphia)
- U.S. Presidency (1790-1800)
- U.S. Supreme Court
- Underground Railroad
- Union League of Philadelphia
- United Nations World Capital
- United States Colored Troops
- University City Science Center
- University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Penn Museum)
- Urban Renewal
- Walking Encyclopedia: Harrowgate
- Walking Purchase
- Wanamaker Organ
- War in Afghanistan
- War of 1812
- West Chester, Pennsylvania
- West New Jersey
- West Philadelphia
- West Philadelphia
- Whig Party
- Whiskey Rebellion Trials
- Whiz Kids
- Wieland; or, the Transformation: An American Tale
- Wilmington, Delaware
- Woman Suffrage
- Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania
- Women’s Clubs
- Women’s Education
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
- Woodbury, New Jersey
- Working Men’s Party
- Works Progress Administration (WPA)
- World War I
- World War II